Cedar Tree Federation
Welcome to the Cedar Tree Federation from the Executive Head - Mrs Gillian Pyle
Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Cedar Tree Federation.
Currently, we have two schools in our Federation, Pinhoe C of E Primary School & Nursery and Woodbury C of E School. Both of our schools are Voluntary Aided and we work closely in partnership with the Exeter Diocese, to deliver a high quality education to all pupils underpinned by a strong Christian ethos. Our aim is to grow the Federation and evolve, in order to provide excellence to children who live in Devon.
If you are a school who may be interested in joining our Federation, please do contact either school office and leave your details.
What is a Federation?
A Federation is a family of schools, with each school retaining its unique character within its own community; its own name and uniform.
Each school will have a separate Ofsted and Church SIAMS inspections and end of Key Stage 2 performance data is published separately.
The current admissions process will remain the same with children being admitted to each school under their individual Admissions Policy.
Benefits of being a school within a Federation:
Sharing experienced and proven senior leadership;
Sharing teaching expertise;
Access to teaching resources;
Increasing opportunities for the children to mix with a wider group both academically and socially;
Greater access to a wider range of resources and opportunities to make some savings to reinvest in children’s learning;
Joint planning and curriculum development opportunities for staff;
Joint professional development training of staff to impact on children’s’ learning;