Why we have a Governing Body
Under the Education Act, the Governing Body has general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high educational achievement. This means that we are responsible for the school's strategy, targets, budget and key policies. We are also a link between the school, church and the community.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. All our of Governors are volunteers, who bring a wealth of professional and personal experience to their Governance.
What is the Governing Board?
The governing board of comprises the Executive Headteacher, 1 Local Authority (LA) governor, 2 elected parent governors, a staff governor ( elected by the staff ) and 7 Foundation governors. Other than the head, each governor serves a four-year term of office, this can be renewed as desired. Governors are all volunteers.
The governing board are given their powers as an incorporated body. Individual governors have no power to act on their own.
School governors have a focus on three strategic functions:-
1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and it’s pupils, and the performance management of staff
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The governing board operate a portfolio structure to enable a clearer focus and expertise on particular areas of school governance. Our portfolios cover Standards, Curriculum, SEND and Inclusion, Safeguarding, Parent and Community Links, Finance, Premises, and Health and Safety.
Parent Governors
Parent governors are elected by all other parents at the school and may serve for four years, even if their child leaves the school during the period. Parent governors are representative of the parents on the board, but the views they express at meetings are their own. We have two parent governors.
Staff Governors
Headteachers have an automatic right to a place on the governing board. Many choose to be governors, others prefer to regard themselves as professional advisers to the governing board, attending all full governing board meetings and providing written termly reports. A staff governor place must be reserved for the Headteacher even if s/he does not wish to take it up.
Teaching and support staff who, at the time of election, are employed by either the governing board or local authority to work at the school under a contract of employment, are eligible to be a staff governor. Staff governors may not chair the governing board or committees, but otherwise take a full part in the work of the governing board. We have one staff governor.
Local Authority (LA) Governors
Devon County Council may appoint any suitable person to the governing board. If the Council is unable to fill the vacancy the school may propose a suitable candidate from the parent board or local community. We have 1 LA governor.
Foundation Governors
Foundation governors are appointed by the relevant religious, charitable or educational trust to ensure the character of the school is preserved. We have seven foundation governors to develop our Christian ethos as both schools are Church of England schools.
Associate Members
There are also associate members, who are appointed by the governing board to serve on one or more committees. They do not have a vote in full governing board decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by the committees to which they are appointed. We have no associate members at present but have had associate members on our governing body in the past.
Chair, Vice-chair and Clerk
The posts of Chair and Vice-chair are nominated and elected from the current Governors for a one-year term, which may be extended. Currently, our school has two Co-chairs, sharing the role of Chair of Governors.
The clerk to the governors is a salaried position. The clerk is responsible for taking minutes at the Full Board meetings and other meetings if required. They are also responsible for collating all reports and sending these out to the governors, ensuring that the policies are kept up to date and for the many administrative tasks associated with the board.
Contact the Governing Board
If you wish to contact the Governing Board or request Governor minutes please email
Cedar Tree Federation Attendance 2023-2024
Cedar Tree Federation Declarations 2023-2024
Governor Recruitment Pack March 2023
Volunteer Opportunity
Could you help support our school? Do you have 4-5 hours spare each month?
The Cedar Tree Federation, which comprises of Pinhoe C of E Church School and Woodbury C of E Church School, currently have vacancies for three Foundation Governors to serve on the Governing Body.
Foundation Governors play a specific role in ensuring the schools’ Christian character is upheld. Their responsibilities include preserving the links between Church, School and the Diocese, taking an active role in the SIAMS process and ensuring that collective worship and religious education at the schools are appropriately monitored and follow the appropriate guidelines and/or syllabus. Foundation Governors ensure that the Christian ethos of the schools is encouraged throughout their communities and is reflected in their policies and protocols, the curriculum, and activities. Foundation Governors represent the Church of England and so, whilst it is not essential that all are communicant Anglicans, it is preferred that they demonstrate they have Christian commitment and values.
This is an extremely rewarding and valuable role. If you feel that you would be interested in becoming a Cedar Tree Federation Governor, please contact the Pinhoe school office on 01392 467984 or email us on