Pinhoe C of E Primary School

Pupil Premium Grant Information


Nationally,  statistics show that many pupils who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) often underachieve compared with their non-FSM peers at every key stage.

At Pinhoe C of E School, the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is used to deliver high quality small group intervention and tuition for all pupil premium pupils who are identified as needing additional learning support.

We have two PPG funded Academic Learning Mentors in both Key Stages 1 & 2 who provide additional support for any children whose learning has been affected by the covid pandemic or who need to close learning gaps in either Phonics, Reading, Writing or Maths. This additional learning takes place in addition to daily English and maths lessons. We try to ensure that the teaching and learning opportunities afforded by the PPG funding meet the needs of as many children as possible and we track and monitor the impact of pupil progress frequently.

Further more detailed information about how Pinhoe C of E School allocate and apportion the PPG funding can be found in the PPG report below.


Pinhoe PPG 2021 2022


Pinhoe PPG 2022 2023


Pinhoe PPG 2024 2025