Safeguarding at Pinhoe Primary is considered everyone's responsibility and we work in accordance with the legislations clearly set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 that 'Everyone who has contact with children and families in their everyday work has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children'.
As such our school aims to create the safest environment within which every child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We recognise the contribution we can make to ensure that all children within our school feel that they will be listened to and appropriate action taken. We will do this by working in partnership with other agencies in accordance with 'Working Together to Safeguard Children - 2018 (updated 2022)' and seeking to establish effective working relationships with parents, carers and colleagues to develop and provide activities and opportunities that will help to equip our children to develop essential life skills and protective behaviours.
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Jen Metcalf – Head of School
Deputy Named Persons
Kelly Henson - Family Support Worker
Scarlett Peacock - Inclusion lead
Laura Lean - EYFS Lead
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs Finnegan
Deputy Safeguarding Governor: Mrs Jose
Attendance Improvement Officer: Sarah Brett
Safeguarding policies are available to view on our policies page
Devon Child Safeguarding Board
Operation Encompass We are an Operation Encompass school
DBS Checks for Diocese of Exeter Staff Working in School 2023
Letter of Assurances November 2023
Letter of Assurance September 2023
Alchemy System Letter of Assurance